Interview with Ahmad Gharanjik [Beyond UNIVERSEH]

Ahmad Gharanjik (interviewee), the CEO of Databourg Systems
Christian Fisch (interviewer) from UNI.LU

Licencja CC BY-SA 4.0

Data ostatniej modyfikacji: 30 października 2023


Beyond UNIVERSEH project extends the scientific dimension of the UNIVERSEH, European Space University for Earth and Humanity. One of the projects focal points is technology transfer and innovation strategy in the space sector.

This video/transcript makes a part of series of interviews that serve as a core of report aimed at supporting entrepreneurship among the UNIVERSEH students. Interviews investigate the best practices in spin-offs creation and management and target at providing practical information and best practice examples to students and researchers of UNIVERSEH and beyond the consortium.

In order to create comprehensive report, an interview guides has been created by the Beyond UNIVERSEH team. Although not obligatory and determined by consent of the interviewees, the interviewers were encouraged to elaborate on their background, motivations, key elements of success and process of establishing their spin-off.

Full list of interviewed guests is as follows:

  1. Ahmad Gharanjik (interviewee), the CEO of Databourg Systems, and Christian Fisch (interviewer) from UNI.LU. Material available online: transcript of the interview.
  2. Aveline Cloitre (interviewee), co-founder of Albatros and Victor Dos Santos Paulino (interviewer) from TBS. Material available online: written interview.
  3. Dominka Dawiec (interviewee), the Vice President of of Instytut Zrównoważonej Energii „Miękinia” and Natalia Mizera (interviewer) from AGH. Material available online: recording and transcript.
  4. Ewa Kret (interviewee), the CEO of InTecH2O sp. z o.o. and Natalia Mizera (interviewer) from AGH. Material available online: recording and transcript.
  5. Fabien Apper (interviewee), the CEO of U-Space, Justine BIETTRON (interviewer) from TBS, and Elizaveta Shashkova from ISAE Supaero. Material available: recording and transcript.
  6. Igor Wojnicki (interviewee), co-founder of GRADIS, and Joanna Wieczerzyńska-van Baarle (interviewer) from AGH. Material available online: recording and transcript.
  7. Moses Mwakyanjala (interviewee), the CEO of Remos and Peter Törlind (interviewer) from LTU. Material available online: transcript.


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